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Addressing Public Health through Smart Purchasing
Addressing Public Health through Smart Purchasing
Date: 09/16/2020
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and others, climate change is the greatest threat to public health in the 21st century. Climate change also disproportionately affects communities of color and more vulnerable, less resilient communities.

What many do not know is that the biggest impact most organizations have on climate change is their purchasing decisions - especially when we consider how crucial the next 10 years are. These "embodied carbon emissions" from manufacturers' supply chains are directly influenced by their customers, including schools. Learn what you can do to develop a strategy to address this important, but unprioritized, opportunity for impact. For no increased cost, purchasing decisions can lead to better public health (and therefore student health) outcomes, better resource management, and a meaningful investment in creating a stable and healthy climate.

Lisa Conway, V.P. of Sustainability, Americas for Interface
Joey Shea
, Manager, Mission Activation, Interface
Advancing Innovations in Learning: Building Impactful Partnerships in STEM Education
Advancing Innovations in Learning: Building Impactful Partnerships in STEM Education
Date: 09/13/2023
Time: 2:00 EST

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

STEM learning environments must serve as technically sophisticated and inspiring spaces that facilitate deep learning and integrate students into an authentic community of practice. Synergistic relationships between visionary educators and industry leaders create meaningful opportunities to develop innovative programs and facilities that respond to industry trends and the global economy, creating impactful pathways for student and industry success. This will be an interactive panel discussion of changemakers from Amarillo ISD’s Amtech Career Academy and Corgan. They will offer an insightful perspective on establishing successful STEM partnerships and provide examples of learning environments that respond to educational paradigm shifts while monitoring the pulse of our changing global economy.
Jay Barrett , Principal, AmTech Career Academy
Doug Loomis
, Superintendent, Amarillo ISD
Lance Melton
, Vice President, Corgan
Breaking Down the Walls – Outdoor Learning Environments for COVID and Beyond
Breaking Down the Walls – Outdoor Learning Environments for COVID and Beyond
Date: 08/25/2021
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

Research has shown the benefits of nature to human well-being and learning but this knowledge rarely translates into the regular use of outdoor learning environments. While current events have forced schools to look at this missed opportunity, this session will assist schools with how best to create these environments. Explore the process developed between the Los Angeles County Office of Education, HMC Architects, and the Design Team to guide districts and schools on how to engage, encourage, and empower all the stakeholders associated with creating successful outdoor learning environments. Participants will be empowered with a process they can employ to engage administrators, teachers, students, M&O, community members, and design professionals to design successful outdoor learning environments for a variety of uses and situations.

Jema Estrella, Director of Facilities and Construction, Los Angeles County Office of Education
Shaun Hawke
, Project Director III for the Outdoor & Marine Science Field Study , Los Angeles County Office of Education
Virginia Marquardt
, Principal, HMC Architects
Jonathan Richert
, Project Designer, HMC Architects
Case Study: How Indoor/Outdoor Classrooms Deepen Students' Learning
Case Study: How Indoor/Outdoor Classrooms Deepen Students' Learning
Date: 12/08/2021
Time: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

When new classrooms were needed at Oak Park High School, a sustainable solution was sought, resulting in the innovative use of repurposed shipping containers – items that are low cost and would otherwise be considered waste. Based on this success, these progressive “Learning Studios” have also been rolled out to a middle school campus. Placed adjacent to outdoor space, the sliding glass doors allow the classroom and learning to expand into nature. Presenters will share insights on gaining stakeholder buy-in at the district and school level and illustrate the importance of indoor/outdoor learning space at each campus, district-wide.

Jay Greenlinger, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Oak Park Unified School District
Bridgitte Alomes
, CEO, Natural Pod
Content is King: Enhancing Product Content
Content is King: Enhancing Product Content
Date: 12/13/2023
Time: 1:00 PM (ET)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

Are you looking for a way to effectively market your products? Learn how content plays a vital role in your marketing strategy, in an educational session with John Wondrasek from Incomar Creative. Discover how the right content in the right place can tell a story that educates your clients and highlights your complete offering. Don't miss the chance to learn more about the hows and whys of enhancing your product content!
John Wondrasek, Managing Director, Incomar Creative Services
CPRe: Creatively (Re)Positioning Your Real Estate
CPRe: Creatively (Re)Positioning Your Real Estate
Date: 06/23/2021
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

Does it feel like some of your real estate assets need CPR? Now more than ever, educational institutions strive to serve their student, faculty, and staff population by providing facilities that are efficient and safe, as well as provide for optimal learning, teaching, working, living, sporting, performing, and leisure activities — all within strapped capital, operating, and maintenance budgets. Facilities designed and constructed 50 — or even 10 — years ago may not fit your user needs today. Learning has changed, technology has evolved, student needs are different, and the world is a different place today than it was even in 2020.

The good news is that you do not need to learn to live with outdated spaces that don't serve your needs nor build new buildings when finances may not allow for it. Often, existing space can be repurposed and revitalized into an entirely different use — and sometimes with minimal construction. Through space analysis studies, system updates, facility assessments, programming studies, space planning, and similar efforts, your existing facilities can support your student and faculty recruitment and retention efforts, increase revenue, and save costs — all while meeting your needs today and tomorrow.

Kevin Scully, AIA, NCARB, Architect and Principal, Design Collaborative
Creating a Sense of Belonging on a College Campus
Creating a Sense of Belonging on a College Campus
Date: 05/24/2023
Time: 2:00pm EST

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

College campuses across the country are increasingly recognizing the crucial role of creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for their students. This presentation will highlight the importance of fostering a sense of belonging and the significant impact it has on student success, both academically and personally. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of the various definitions and theories that help shape a strong sense of belonging. Additionally, the presentation will explore key student development and retention theories and the effects of belonging on staff and faculty wellbeing and retention, both of which can impact the bottom line. Finally, the presentation will discuss the effects of belonging on physical space, exploring how furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) can be utilized to create an inclusive environment.

Katie Clark, Higher Education Market Manager, KI
Creating a Sense of Place for Young Children's Environments
Creating a Sense of Place for Young Children's Environments
Date: 12/16/2020
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

Research indicates that space is a powerful regulator of young children's behavior, learning, and emotional development. There are many traditionally accepted codes that permeate preschool spaces. Early childhood experts are beginning to look at new ways to break these antiquated codes to turn the space of the classroom into a memorable place for young children. This presentation will explore design solutions that create a Sense of Place for young children's learning environments through the application of four essential design tenets that can guide the design of environments and furnishings: (1) Nature-Aligned; (2) Heart-Centered; (3) Sensory-Based; and, (4) Authentically-Inspired. Rethink how we collectively approach the design of places of learning for young children in this recording.
Dr. Sandra Duncan, Educational Consultant
Designing Education Experiences Inspired by Children's Museums
Designing Education Experiences Inspired by Children's Museums
Date: 01/12/2022
Time: 2:00 PM (ET)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

With a new K-6 school that emulates a children’s museum, the Seneca Valley School District is exploring the possibilities of the education journey. The project unites CannonDesign with the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh to advance bold new opportunities for school design. When it opens in fall 2022, the school will introduce students, staff, and families to exciting new ideas around how corridors and walls are used, the building and surrounding natural environment can be teaching tools, adaptability allows for constant curation of physical learning spaces, and how space can take students on learning journeys. In this presentation, speakers will outline the design elements and strategic partnership behind the creation of a dynamic research-based, leading-edge children’s learning environment.
Michael P. Corb, AIA, Design Leader, CannonDesign
Anne Fullenkamp
, Senior Director of Creative Experiences, Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
Troy Hoggard, AIA, EDAC
, Design Leader, CannonDesign
Designing Restorative Classrooms: 15 Strategies for Enhancing Wellbeing and Engagement

Designing Restorative Classrooms: 15 Strategies for Enhancing Wellbeing and Engagement

Date: 10/09/2024
Time: 1:00 PM (ET)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $0.00

"Prison" is the most common word used by students to describe their classrooms and schools. Classrooms should be places that are restorative for students and teachers, but most are not designed this way. This session will share strategies that embrace emerging technologies, connection with nature, and peak experiences to empower educators to more thoughtfully design classroom spaces for improved wellbeing, engagement and learning in schools. Join us and learn the five big ideas and walk away with 15 simple strategies for designing restorative classrooms, one learning space at a time.
Ruth Brus, VP of Learning Services and Solutions, Meteor Education
Designing Science Labs for a New Era in STEM Education

Designing Science Labs for a New Era in STEM Education

Date: 06/05/2024
Time: 2:00pm ET

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

The study and practice of science is in a near-constant state of evolution. It is a field driven by discovery and characterized by its propensity to disrupt the status quo. Ever-advancing knowledge and technologies necessitate change in the tools, skills, and methodologies used to “do science” and, by extension, the spaces where science is learned and applied. To meet the challenges of an increasingly complex world, modern science learning environments must serve as technically sophisticated and inspiring spaces that facilitate deep learning and integrate students into an authentic community of science practice. Building on a research-based understanding of the science behind learning and the unique nature of the contextualized process of science learning, this session will explore the evolving typology of modern science labs to connect best practices from higher education environments to K-12 and community college settings. Valuable insight from new construction and renovation projects, including K-12 and higher ed projects that will be shared, forwarding a next-generation approach to science education. Drawing inspiration from the collaborative process of scientific innovation, participants will be engaged in small group guided discussion to explore the evolution of science education and its impact on the design of forward-thinking laboratory environments.
Carissa Oyedele, AIA, NCIDQ, LEED BD+C , Vice President, Corgan
Sangeetha Karthik, AIA, NCIDQ, LEED BD+C
, Principal, Corgan
Anthony Wang, AIA
, Vice President & Studio Design Director, Corgan
Margaret Lutton
, Executive Director of Institutional and Strategic Project Development | Real Estate and Facilities , Tarrant County College District
Designing Successful CTE Spaces for the K14 Learner
Designing Successful CTE Spaces for the K14 Learner
Date: 01/27/2021
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

The variety of programs that Career and Tech Education (CTE) facilities offer benefit from early planning of furniture and equipment layouts. Collaboration for proper equipment selection between school district and design team for spaces like Audio/Video Production, Health Science, Construction Trades, Culinary Arts, etc., ensures the best utilization of CTE learning spaces for future flexibility and success of students. K14 education is bridging high school and higher education, and with proper planning and forward thinking, CTE programs can partner with local community colleges to provide education where learners are equipped to contribute to a strong community workforce and economy.
Adele Willson, IA, LEED AP, ALEP, K12 Studio Leader, Hord Coplan Macht
Jeff Hagan, AIA
, Principal, Project Manager and Lead Architect, Hord Coplan Macht
Travis Bostic, AIA, LEED AP BD+C
, Design Principal, Hord Coplan Macht
Designing the Learning Environment for Hy-Flex Instructional Design
Designing the Learning Environment for Hy-Flex Instructional Design
Date: 05/18/2021
Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

COVID-19 made the Hybrid-Flexible (Hy-Flex) model essential for allowing educators to continue offering classes that are safe for all students. Hy-Flex classes are built to give students and instructors a choice to attend either in person or remotely and have a significant impact on the physical environment. Attend this webinarfor an introduction to the framework of Hy-Flex Instruction, the key teaching method adopted in response to COVID-19 educational protocols and its impact beyond the pandemic. Discover the relationship between Hy-Flex instruction and to universal design of learning spaces, and its impact on sense of belonging for students.
Dr. Erin Lynch
Dr. Mitch Mitchell
ECLPS Information Panel

ECLPS Information Panel

Date: 05/06/2024
Time: 1:00 PM (ET)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $0.00

The EDmarket Certified Learning Place Specialist (ECLPS) program offers a new professional development opportunity for district and industry leaders that is based on the research and science of why space matters. Join us for a conversation between current ECLPS instructors and learners enrolled in the first cohort as they share how the program has given them a stronger understanding of the built environment and its critical role in the success of students and staff. Learn why the ECLPS designation is the best way to demonstrate a commitment to understanding and excelling in the design and planning of learning environments and how members of the first cohort are already putting their learnings into action. Hear how current learners are elevating their careers by becoming true changemakers in their district and why they will never look at learning spaces the same way after being a part of the ECLPS program. Come get your questions answered on how to elevate your career to the next level!
Dr. Lennie Scott-Webber, Owner/Principal, INSYNC Education Research + Design
Jolene Levin
, Consultant, Jolene Levin LLC
Dave Broz
, Architect + Visiting Professor of Design , Columbia College, Chicago
Ashley Campos
, Coordinator of Innovation, Chula Vista Elementary School District
Marisa Sergnese
, Research & Learning Consultant , Steelcase
Andrea Stingone, M.Ed.
, Department Manager, Planning & Siting , HCPS District Schools
EDmarket Annual Meeting
EDmarket Annual Meeting
Date: 01/11/2022
Time: 2:00 PM (ET)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $0.00

Kick off 2022 by being "in the know" about EDmarket programs and services. With the sale of EDspaces, EDmarket is reinventing its value proposition to make your organization more successful.

Listen to your fellow EDmarket members online at the Annual Meeting, to learn how your dues are fulfilling the association's mission and strategic priorities.

In addition to recognizing outgoing volunteer leaders and award winners, this recording also welcomes new Board members under the leadership of James Johnson of CPJ2 LLC, who officially resumed duties as Chair of the Board on January 1st.

James D. Johnson, II , EDmarket's 2022 Chair, CPJ2 LLC
Jim McGarry
, EDmarket's President/CEO, Education Market Assoication
EDmarket Dealer Management & Training Program Webinar
EDmarket Dealer Management & Training Program Webinar
Date: 12/02/2021
Time: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM (EST)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $0.00

Get an inside look at course offerings including project management, sales leadership, and dealer management development as Solomon Coyle provides a comprehensive overview of the new EDmarket Dealer Management and Training Program.
David Solomon, Managing Principal, Solomon Colye
Paul Holland
, Principal, Solomon Colye
EDtech Distribution in an Evolving Marketplace
EDtech Distribution in an Evolving Marketplace

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $250.00

The EDtech market, valued at more than $8 billion, has always been a challenging space to enter, and as products shift from physical to digital new channels have emerged and established channels are evolving.

The EDtech Distribution in an Evolving Marketplace Report, features data gathered from interviews with key industry leaders conducted by researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This report, sponsored in part by Stages Learning Materials, provides the most current information available on the shifting nature of the K-12 market for EDtech products.

Key Findings:
  • Demand-side partners are on the rise including Educational Service Agencies (ESAs), Short Term Trial Innovation Hubs (i-Hubs), Vendor Marketplaces and Review Platforms.
  • 90% of EDtech leaders interviewed referenced the lack of a Single Sign-On¡Xsimple access in one place to all technology products a school is using¡Xas a huge pain point for schools.
  • Enthusiasm for Open Educational Resources (OER) is increasing for teachers, principals, and district leaders, but quality OER needs to be curated so that schools are not overwhelmed with choices.
"There is no shortfall of great ideas and new EDtech products that are being developed, funded and designed, but there is not a clear understanding of how to profitably take these products to market and get them in the hands of the students and teachers who can benefit from these innovations," says Jim McGarry, President/CEO of EDmarket. "This study will help companies better understand the shifting nature of the K-12 market for EDtech products and to understand how to navigate this complex marketplace."
The Education Market Association (EDmarket)
Educational Service Agencies and Buying Cooperatives
Educational Service Agencies and Buying Cooperatives

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $250.00

EDmarket Distribution Opportunities: Educational Service Agencies and Buying Cooperatives, published by the Education Market Association, provides an in-depth look at two unique distribution channels of interest to school marketers.

This new report builds on the success of the EDtech Distribution in an Evolving Marketplace report published last year, and provides a deep dive and case studies for two key sales channels: Educational Service Agencies (ESAs) and Buying Cooperatives. By further studying these two channels, sales agencies from companies with products and resources to support these channels can learn how to be perceived as a valuable partner to school districts. The results will be presented at a general session during the 2018 Investors & Channels Summit this fall.

The Education Market Association (EDmarket)
Elevate Learning with Sustainable Change
Elevate Learning with Sustainable Change
Date: 12/14/2022
Time: 2:00 PM EST

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $25.00

According to Lezotte (2005), schools are either improving or declining; they simply cannot meet the status quo. Each new school project is an opportunity to have a positive impact on learning as whole. However, without a clear change process, teaching and learning behaviors slip back to pre-existing mindsets. Join us to hear about Sioux Falls School District’s first-hand experiences and learn how to move your district/campus toward a common vision and implement change to benefit each learner.
Dr. Teresa Boysen, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction , Sioux Fall School District
Vanessa Schutte, AIA, ALEP
, K-12 Designer, DLR Group
Marilyn Denison
, Educational Planner, DLR Group
Empowering Education with Ergonomic Environments

Empowering Education with Ergonomic Environments

Date: 08/06/2024
Time: 1:00PM (ET)

Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $0.00

Educational spaces are challenged to support learning and connection among a diverse population of students, teachers, staff, and guardians. This session will explore ergonomic and well-being considerations that can contribute to healthy and supportive learning environments.
Lauren Gant, Sr Workplace Advisory Manager, HNI Workplace Furnishings
Taylor Morgan
, Sr Workplace Advisory Manager, HNI Workplace Furnishings